Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pyromancer Club

The pyromancer Clan
(My clan so far)

Jumping off the cliff of Memory

I have not put up a new post in a few days so I wanted to show my friend and I jumping off a cliff! Well almost jumping off I guess...

Friday, August 7, 2009

My friend showed me how to go invisible on Wizard101. Its really fun, all you got to do is...
1.Go to your house, or your friends house.
2. put something on yourseld like a table, fire, statue ext...
3. Then put another thing on your friend
4. Port to you friend while stuck
5. You should see your self port, but it fails to port
6. Your not there! You cant see your self!
Have fun with the little trick,
-Allison DragonShard